Adaptive Plastic Fabrication: A Mold-Free, Real-Time Approach to Shape Customization
This research explores a novel approach to plastic fabrication that balances flexibility and precision by integrating mold-free blow-forming with real-time 3D scanning and monitoring systems. The study aims to bridge the gap between traditional mold-based fabrication, which offers high precision but limited adaptability, and freeform shaping, which provides flexibility but lacks control.

Real-Time Adaptation
Utilizing 3D scanning and sensor feedback to
 dynamically adjust the forming process.

Customizable Connections
Developing adaptive plastic joints that respond to
 adjoining geometries.

Multi-Material Integration 
Exploring hybrid assemblies that combine plastics with
 other materials.

Precision without Molds
Investigating whether blow-forming, guided by sensor-
based control, can achieve structural accuracy without
 rigid molds.

Scalability & Applications: 
Evaluating architectural and industrial applications for
 deployable and reconfigurable structures.

Fabrication Process
Material Analysis
PETG thermal behavior, stiffness, bonding properties, and structural performance.
Step 1
3D scan of existing geometry to define initial geometry to inflate.

Step 2
PETG extrusion printing to establish the initial form.

Step 3
Air blow-forming process to shape and reinforce the structure.

Step 4
Integrating thermal imaging with sensor-based monitoring to track PETG deformation in real time, enabling robotic path recalibration through adaptive feedback loops for precise and controlled shaping.
Master of Science in Design: Robotics and Autonomous Systems (MSD-RAS)
Weiztman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania

ARCH 802 Material Agencies III_ Spring Semester
Instructors: Robert Stuart-Smith & Nathan King & Laia Mogas-Soldevila & Jeffrey Anderson
TAs: Mahsa Masalegoo & Franklin Wu
MSD-RAS Program Director: Robert Stuart-Smith
ARI Robotics Lab Operators: Nicholas Sideropoulos & Shunta Moriuchi
Team Lobster: BurcuGocen, BeikelRivas, QingyangXu, ZitongRen

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